Update - May Fitness Challenge
Channel Challenge Update
As you will know by now several Discovery staff and students have embarked on fitness challenges with the goal of swimming/ walking / cycling / canoeing the equivalent distance of crossing the English Channel during the month of May (22 miles or 35km in total). All money raised is being donated to Macmillan Cancer Care.
The leader board at the moment looks like:
Post 16 – completed 25 miles of walking so have turned round in Cap Gris Nez and are now walking back across the channel towards Dover; 3 miles in to the return trip.
Class O – completed 22 miles on the cross trainer in two school days working as a relay of staff and students.
Class I have completed 2 return trips to Hartshill Hayes of 8 miles over the last two Fridays and will complete this week on Friday 18th.
Classes Y, R, and V have completed 13.75, 13 and 12 miles respectively in a variety of walks and activities.
Class C are taking on the challenge as individuals – about 5½ miles completed by each of them on the cross trainer so far.
Class E have undertaken some laps of the field but are too embarrassed to declare a total at this stage!
Staff are also making a dent in their targets – Chris has run 22 miles in each week and plans to do the dame this week and next; Matt has run 20 miles so far and set himself a target of 50 over the month; Katie, Dawn and Penny are on track to complete, Lauren has cycled 18 miles so far and again plans to do enough for a return trip. Emma will complete her challenge of canoeing 22 miles in a single day over half term (on Windermere) and Ebony is completing it on a rowing machine on her gym visits.
We have just passed halfway in our target of raising £2000 for Macmillan.
Our fundraising site is on Just Giving at:
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