Occupational Therapy
Every child and young person has the opportunity to access Occupational Therapy (OT) as part of their curriculum. Discovery Academy has an Occupational Therapist who works with pupils, families and teaching staff to provide specific, targeted OT interventions and programmes of support to our pupils.
Examples of Occupational Therapy at Discovery Academy include:
• Attention and participation or engagement
• Developing handwriting
• Modulating arousal levels
• Managing anxiety
• Managing sensory seeking/avoiding behaviours
• Planning and organisation
• Increasing attention span
• Increasing time spent sitting for activities
• Taking part in a wider range of school activities
• Eating and drinking (increasing tolerance of new foods; using cutlery and cups)
• Self-care skills (washing, brushing teeth, brushing hair, dressing, using toilet)
• Social skills development
• Accessing the community through school outings and visits.
• Consideration of vocational opportunities
If you would like to find out more from Discovery's Occupational Therapist please email the School Office who will pass your message on.